REA understands that there are some businesses and critical provider operations that simply cannot afford to take risks with power where the reliable operation of their electronic equipment and the performance of their building systems are concerned.
Poor power quality can result in equipment burn out, overheating of cables and nuisance tripping of protective devices, just to identify a few of the things that can bring down a business operation. Poor power quality can include:-
- Voltage fluctuations
- Surges and spikes in voltage
- Harmonic distortions (particularly prevalent with today’s non-linear loads)
- Low power factor
- Excessive neutral currents
REA is able to provide expert assistance in critical electrical services applications and power quality strategies in both the design of new electrical systems and the recommendation of corrective action for existing installations.
REA provides power quality consulting services and can advise on the provision of:-
- Active tracking harmonic filters
- Power factor compensation equipment
- Transient voltage surge suppression equipment
- Uninterruptible power supplies
- Lightning protection systems
- Telephony protection against common mode and differential mode transients